For Java project the best way to measure the code coverage is through the instrumenting the code. There are different ways to do the instruments.
Offline instrumentation VS On-the-fly instrumentation
Offline instrumentation is a way through injecting the data collector calls into the source code or byte code. It usually works side by side with the project and does the modification at compile time. In my previous blogs, I described on how to configure the Jacoco for maven projects which is a typical example for offline instrumentation.While the On-the-fly instrumentation does the instrument at a lower level like classes loader, usually through a Java agent. Today we will talk about how to do the Jacoco on-the-fly instrumentation.
Who will be benefit from the On-the-fly instrumentation
The On-the-fly instrumentation is very useful if your integration test is not located with the Dev project. The instrument will happen at the server machine and give out the code coverage report after running the integration test against it.How to do the On-the-fly instrumentation for Jacoco
Jacoco is using the Java agent mechanism for in-memory pre-processing of all classes files during class loading. For details, please refer the Official Document for it.Step 1. copy the jacoco agent file from official site to your machine.
Step 2. set the JAVA_OPTS to include the jacoco agent configuration. Let's learn the configurations from the sample:
"-javaagent:/jacocoHomePath/jacocoagent.jar=output=tcpserver,address=testerMachineAddress,port=8084,includes=com.testjacoco.*"In this configuration, we have set up 4 parameters: output, address, port and includes. This one is setting up jacoco agent as a TCP socket server, so the external tools such like jacococli can connect it through the configured port to dump the code coverage data. And you can use includes/excludes to manage the files on which you want to have the code coverage data.
The official site has mentioned that Jacoco provides three different modes for execution data ouput:
- File System: At JVM termination execution data is written to a local file.
- TCP Socket Server: External tools can connect to the JVM and retrieve execution data over the socket connection. Optional execution data reset and execution data dump on VM exit is possible.
- TCP Socket Client: At startup the JaCoCo agent connects to a given TCP endpoint. Execution data is written to the socket connection on request. Optional execution data reset and execution data dump on VM exit is possible.
Step 3. restart the service and run the test against it.
Step 4. collect the code coverage by using tool jacococli. Sample command like below
"java -jar ~/Downloads/temp/lib/jacococli.jar dump --address testerMachineAddress --port 8084 --destfile jacocoTest.exec"
Now you will get your data coverage file to your local machine.