There are many reasons for this problem. But most common case is that the JaCoCo agent is failed to configured into the command line. Using the command "mvn -X clean verify" to check on the debug logs. At the "TESTS" step, you will be able to see a line for "Forking command line".
If the JaCoCo agent is configured correctly, you will be able to see similar logs as below.
[DEBUG] boot classpath: /Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-booter/2.17/surefire-booter-2.17.jar /Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-api/2.17/surefire-api-2.17.jar /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice/target/test-classes /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice/target/classes /Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/junit/junit/4.8.1/junit-4.8.1.jar /Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-junit4/2.17/surefire-junit4-2.17.jar
[DEBUG] boot(compact) classpath: surefire-booter-2.17.jar surefire-api-2.17.jar test-classes classes junit-4.8.1.jar surefire-junit4-2.17.jar
Forking command line: /bin/sh -c cd /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice && /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home/jre/bin/java -javaagent:/Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/ -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -jar /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice/target/surefire/surefirebooter3359878682012651006.jar /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice/target/surefire/surefire8553706350128891199tmp /Users/jhuang8/Documents/workspace/JaCoCoPractice/target/surefire/surefire_04828513279405888630tmp
And how can we add in these JaCoCo agent info? according to the office site Jacobo:prepare-agent, you can obviously add in the @{argLine} at your maven-surefire-plugin configurations as
The default name is argLine, but sometime, the JaCoCo configuration will be overwrote by some other argLine setup or plugin in pom. A way to avoid this is to configure a new property name at JaCoCo plugin and put it at the maven-surefire-plugin. Below is the sample configruation.<plugin>
<argLine>@{argLine} -Xmx1024m </argLine>
Set a new propertyName at JaCoCo plugin
and put the new propertyName at maven-surefire-plugin like below
<argLine>jaCoCoArgLine -Xmx1024m </argLine>
[INFO] --- jacoco-maven-plugin: (prepare-agent) @ JaCoCoPractice ---
[INFO] jaCoCoArgLine set to -javaagent:/Users/jhuang8/.m2/raptor2/org/jacoco/org.jacoco.agent/
If the problem still shows up, then double check the maven-surefire-plugin, according to official site Maven Plug-in it has the restrictions as below.
When using the maven-surefire-plugin or maven-failsafe-plugin you must not use a forkCount of 0 or set the forkMode to never as this would prevent the execution of the tests with the javaagentset and no coverage would be recorded.
Thanks for the post, but I found it necessary to make this change for it to work - @{jaCoCoArgLine} -Xmx1024m
ReplyDeleteThank you @Nomad. This really saved my day.
DeleteWow, thank you, Jane! Also, thanks Nomad! You solved my problem and I learned more in a few minutes than I did in an hour of grunt work!
ReplyDeleteWithout using maven or gradle how can it be done ? My jacoco.exec file is missing.